
Ways Facebook can ruin your life

Almost everyone who is going to read this article has a facebook, twitter, or, dare I say it, mypace account that you either use, or is sitting in a dusty corner of the internet.
I'm legally obligated to put a picture of this movie on any facebook related article.
But weather you spend hours on these sites each day, or you don't own a computer (unlikely, seeing as you're reading this) there are ways that these sites can ruin your life.


This one isn't surprising in the slightest, and if you have any of these accounts, odds are you've done this.  Be it you have to get a paper in for your class, finish a powerpoint for your business, or finish that whiskey so you can keep your reputation as the family failure, you have, at some point, logged on to your profile to see what's happening in the world.  "Just for a minute", you say, but soon you get sucked in to the black hole that is the internet and before you know it entire hours are gone.  And, as I said earlier, everyone does it.  People are programmed to procrastinate, and facebook just makes it all too easy.  But procrastinating is bad for a reason.  If you don't work, you can't get paid, get an education, or have a future.  In fact, I blame facebook for the economic collapse.
Gotta keep up appearances.

Sites like facebook and myspace were created so that you can have a new way to stay in touch with your friends, and stay in the loop about their daily lives.  Twitter then created this service, but instead of being updated about friends, you got information about the daily lives of celebrities.
Basically this, but with an icon of a bird.
However, some people take it a step farther than that.  Some people relentlessly stalk their facebook or myspace friends, getting as much information as they can.  There are varying types and degrees of this, from people ho lightly browse the history of certain people, to people who go through the history and pictures of all of their friends, to those who relentlessly follow one person, looking at every status, picture, and post that this person might be involved in to any extent.  Now, if you're the person that GETS stalked, like me, you'll find that you are, best case scenario, awkward, worst case, terrified, of the person that stalks you.  If you're the person that stalks them, you'll find your life spiraling into disaster while you do nothing other than like and comment on every item that your victim has on their page.  Not to mention it can lead to actual stalking.
Yeeeeeeeeess my pretty..........  Yeeeeessss........
Oh, but don't worry, facebook has solved the problem!  I give you an app that can show you EVERYONE WHO GOES ON YOUR PAGE.  Yeah, I see no way that could go wrong.


This is the last thing in this article that I'm going to write about, because while I could go on about this for days, this pretty much sums it all up.  On these websites, one of the main focuses is the ability to upload pictures and statuses to let people know A) what you're up to and B) exactly how drunk you are at any given time.  However, even weeks, months, or years after these things have been posted, as I'm sure you know, any potential employer can find out exactly how much of a dick you were in college, just by lightly perusing your page.  That means that in the future, if you want to be successful, you'll have to either stay off of any social networking sites, or be very careful about what you say and do on them.
It's like this, but you allow it into your home, and its on a computer.

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