Advice with a side of sarcasm
Featuring: Evans
(This section was created by Evans in order to “allow all of those people out there to let them know how
I would solve their issues”, and it is currently the only part of the magazine with reader input. If you would like to submit a question for Evans, and/or any guest writers that may be in this advice section, you can do so at We also would like to state that the opinions of Evans and company do not represent MOWFTW, unless it benefits us. Then we’ll take the credit. –Ed.)
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Advice with a side of sarcasm. I’m Evans, your host for this evening, and before we get started I would just like to answer the one question that I know all of you are asking. “Evans, how do you have questions to answer if this is the first advice column ever? Isn’t that impossible? ARE YOU MAKING THESE QUESTIONS UP?” The answer to this question is no, I am not making these questions up. Though I could have done so, I have decided to peruse the deepest depths of Google to find the top asked question on various topics (from the existence of God to Miley Cyrus’ personal life). And I plan on answering every single one of them. So strap in, and get ready to have your anonymous questions answered by someone of questionable sanity.
13. (Topic: is it real?) Question: Are vampires real?
Honestly, I’m shocked on two counts. The first is that this is the thirteenth most asked question on the internet, (with the Twilight craze in full swing, I would have guessed it would crack the top three, at least), and the second is that people don’t know the answer to this question. Of course vampires are real! You just haven’t noticed them, because you were on the lookout for an extremely attractive young person that sparkles in the sun.
You're doing it wrong.
The truth is, you SHOULD be looking for a middle aged man with pale skin and slicked back hair, who burns when he comes in contact with the sun and has an aversion for garlic and crosses. Oh, yeah, and he’s probably more interested in your mother than he is you.
12. (Topic: questions by kids) Question: what is love?
First off, holy shit. This question topped the “questions asked by kids” list. Tell me, how many doe eyed four year olds come up to you and ask, “What is love? Does it exist? Or is this just a release of chemicals in my brain that causes euphoria”? Damn. Kids these days are beating the hell out of us.
Come on guys, let’s get it together.
But back to the question. There is no such thing as love! This is all a trap! We’re all part of a sick experiment! You have to run! ESCAPE WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!
11. (Topic: big questions) Question: What is the meaning of life?
Finally, an easy question to answer. The truth is, all of us here at MOWFTW were granted this information as a part of a ritual to join the sacred group of columnists that creates it. However, we are not authorized to reveal this information to anyone, for fear that if the information got out it would cause mass hysteria and headsplosions. (they happen just as often as you think at MOWFTW headquarters.)
10. (Topic: Parenting questions) Question: how do I help my child deal with a bully?
First, I would like to point out that this question beat the meaning of life in searches. So our priorities are obviously a little skewed. But still, this is a fairly important topic. As a small child, I was bullied (Now, of course, I’m so badass I have a spare key to Chuck Norris’ mansion), so I know from first-hand experience that a baseball bat works quite well, or, failing that, a shiv made out of a toothbrush.
9. (Topic: Questions about pets) Question: why do cats purr?
This question, quite frankly, isn’t easy to answer. I had to build a device, that when worn, allows you to hear the minds of the animals around you. After creating said device, I found a purring cat, flipped it on, and listened to the results.
The results that I got were nothing short of amazing. It appears that when cats are purring, the truth is they are sending a telepathic message to all other cats in a 100 mile radius. The majority of these messages consist of the specific details of their owner’s everyday life, as well as the easiest way to dispatch of him. The other portion of the messages was them discussing the best kind of salmon.
8. (Topic: computer questions) Question: how do I make a website?
First off, before I answer this question, if you A) don’t already know how to make a website or B) are too lazy to freaking Google it, then you probably shouldn’t be doing so in the first place. That being said, in order to make a website, you must first build an elliptical reflector dish. You then angle it so that it bounces off of one of the many Microsoft satellites. From there, you just send your file to the satellite, and you will either have a new website, or be mistaken for a terrorist and arrested for breaking several federal laws.
7. (Topic: personal finances) Question: what is a good credit score?
For me, a good credit score would be if your credit card places anywhere over a bronze medal.
6. (Topic: questions about travelling) Question: how long does it take to get a passport?
This is a very personal question that, despite what anyone will tell you, varies from person to person. For example, are you female? Plus one to three days. A minor? Minus two days. The list goes on and on for practically everything about you.
5. (Topic: questions about beauty) Question: what foods are good for your skin?
As someone with perfect skin, I’ve never had to ask questions like this, so, I had to (oh the sweet irony) Google the answer to the question. Here is what I have found: fish are good for the mind, beans are good for your heart, and pomegranates are good for your skin.
And everything else on this list will kill you.
4. (Topic: fitness questions) Question: How many calories should I eat in a day?
3. (Topic: health questions) Question: What is autism?
Before I answer this, why do you want to know? Were you diagnosed with autism, and you don’t know what that means, and your doctor refused to tell you?
Or are you just some weird internet troll who wants to expand his vocabulary of insults? Either way, I’m not telling you. Haha.
2. (Topic: celebrities) Question: is Miley Cyrus pregnant?
At last, the true face of society shows, as the number two searched question concerns a singer/child star’s personal life. I’m shocked that this didn’t make #1, honestly, but I have an answer that may disappoint most of you; she isn’t pregnant. Come on, though, people, after all, she isn’t a Spears.
1. (Topic: Overall #1 question) Question: how do I tell if I’m pregnant?
Really? THIS is the number one question? YOU HAVE A BABY GROWING INSIDE YOU. Idiot.
(MOWFTW takes no responsibility for any injuries/wrecked relationships/death responsible for following any of Evans’ advice. –Ed.)